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Common Silverline
Spindasis vulcanus
15th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
This is one of the most stunning butterflies I have ever seen. When I spotted this along a roadside verge close to our hotel in Goa I thought I must have died and gone to heaven! One of several seen during our fortnight in India, a wonderful place for butterflies. This hairstreak-like beauty was easy to approach as it spent time around its favourite nectar patch. Sublime!
15th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
This is one of the most stunning butterflies I have ever seen. When I spotted this along a roadside verge close to our hotel in Goa I thought I must have died and gone to heaven! One of several seen during our fortnight in India, a wonderful place for butterflies. This hairstreak-like beauty was easy to approach as it spent time around its favourite nectar patch. Sublime!

Red Pierrot
Talycada nysieus
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
This freshly minted Red Pierrot made my day - it was a butterfly that I had really wanted to see during the planning stages for our holiday in Goa, a standout species that leapt off the page of my reference book and embedded itself in my consciousness. It was a great thrill to see it in real life. Even, better, it was very tame and amenable to being photographed.
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
This freshly minted Red Pierrot made my day - it was a butterfly that I had really wanted to see during the planning stages for our holiday in Goa, a standout species that leapt off the page of my reference book and embedded itself in my consciousness. It was a great thrill to see it in real life. Even, better, it was very tame and amenable to being photographed.

Peacock Pansy
Junonia almana
11th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
This stunner was another of the multitude of beautiful species to be found along the roadsides close to our hotel. Absolutely gorgeous when fresh, this is a very active butterfly, a frequent visitor to nectar. We saw this species almost every day in small numbers.
11th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
This stunner was another of the multitude of beautiful species to be found along the roadsides close to our hotel. Absolutely gorgeous when fresh, this is a very active butterfly, a frequent visitor to nectar. We saw this species almost every day in small numbers.

Medus Brown
Orsotriaena medus
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
Photographed further inland, in jungle habitat on the edge of the Netravali Wildlife Reserve, this Medus Brown was keeping to the shadier ride edges. This is the wet season form of the species.
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
Photographed further inland, in jungle habitat on the edge of the Netravali Wildlife Reserve, this Medus Brown was keeping to the shadier ride edges. This is the wet season form of the species.

Tawny Coster
Acraea terpsicore
18th November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
This is another butterfly that I was familiar with from various books on butterflies of the tropics, and another that I never dared hope I would see for myself one day. Down on the ground in a damp clearing amongst the forest, it was dwarfed by the larger Swallowtail butterflies nearby. We also found it in higher numbers along a stretch of hedgerow just outside the coastal village of Cavelossim one day.
18th November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
This is another butterfly that I was familiar with from various books on butterflies of the tropics, and another that I never dared hope I would see for myself one day. Down on the ground in a damp clearing amongst the forest, it was dwarfed by the larger Swallowtail butterflies nearby. We also found it in higher numbers along a stretch of hedgerow just outside the coastal village of Cavelossim one day.

Cupha erymanthis
18th November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
First spotted flying around the forest edge, it was a while before this Rustic landed anywhere that I could get close to it, but a bit of perseverance paid off when it posed nicely in a sun spot.
18th November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
First spotted flying around the forest edge, it was a while before this Rustic landed anywhere that I could get close to it, but a bit of perseverance paid off when it posed nicely in a sun spot.

Tamil Lacewing
Cethosia nietneri
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
This is yet another iconic "must see" butterfly of Asia. It is also the only example that we saw all fortnight, so I am very glad it sat still briefly for me to capture this image.
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
This is yet another iconic "must see" butterfly of Asia. It is also the only example that we saw all fortnight, so I am very glad it sat still briefly for me to capture this image.

Red Spot Duke
Dophla evelina
18th November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
A sudden flash of iridescent blue alerted us to the presence of this Red Spot Duke, which made a brief descent to the forest floor in front of us, deep in the jungle.
18th November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
A sudden flash of iridescent blue alerted us to the presence of this Red Spot Duke, which made a brief descent to the forest floor in front of us, deep in the jungle.

Mottled Emigrant
Catopsilia pyranthe
15th November 2024. Cavelossim. Goa.
This female Mottled Emigrant was hiding in amongst the vegetation on private military land just outside Cavelossim one morning. I had to photograph it through chain-link fencing!
15th November 2024. Cavelossim. Goa.
This female Mottled Emigrant was hiding in amongst the vegetation on private military land just outside Cavelossim one morning. I had to photograph it through chain-link fencing!

Grey Pansy
Junonia atlites
21st November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
Probably the commonest butterfly seen during our time in Goa, the Grey Pansy could be found by the dozen on a daily basis, particularly active, as were most butterflies, early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
21st November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
Probably the commonest butterfly seen during our time in Goa, the Grey Pansy could be found by the dozen on a daily basis, particularly active, as were most butterflies, early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

Grey Count
Tanaecia lepidea
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
A very unusual looking two-tone butterfly, we only saw a couple of these, both gliding around forest edge habitat, chasing off other insects and occasionally basking in sun-spots, as here.
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
A very unusual looking two-tone butterfly, we only saw a couple of these, both gliding around forest edge habitat, chasing off other insects and occasionally basking in sun-spots, as here.

Gram Blue
Euchrysops cnejus
11th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
India has a wealth of blue species, many of them quite similar and challenging to identify. This small Gram Blue was common along the local verges and field edges, and wouldn't look out of place in southern Europe!
11th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
India has a wealth of blue species, many of them quite similar and challenging to identify. This small Gram Blue was common along the local verges and field edges, and wouldn't look out of place in southern Europe!

Dark Grass Blue
Zizeeria karsandra
12th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
One of very few species seen in Goa that wasn't new to us, we have previously encountered the Dark Grass Blue in Cyprus, but it was good to meet up with it again along the local lanes.
12th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
One of very few species seen in Goa that wasn't new to us, we have previously encountered the Dark Grass Blue in Cyprus, but it was good to meet up with it again along the local lanes.

Danaid Eggfly
Hypolimnas missipus
22nd November. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
I spotted this beauty deep in the shade of the jungle early in the morning, and it allowed me upper and underside views before disappearing into the depths.
22nd November. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
I spotted this beauty deep in the shade of the jungle early in the morning, and it allowed me upper and underside views before disappearing into the depths.

Danaid Eggfly
Hypolimnas missipus
22nd November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
See previous photograph for commentary.
22nd November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
See previous photograph for commentary.

Vindula erota
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
I was really hoping that we would encounter a Cruiser during our stay, but I wasn't expecting it to be such a large beast! Stunning, vivid and powerful, this butterfly came down to the ground by a waterfall deep inside the Netravali reserve and posed beautifully. I couldn't have wished for a fresher example! Highly memorable.
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
I was really hoping that we would encounter a Cruiser during our stay, but I wasn't expecting it to be such a large beast! Stunning, vivid and powerful, this butterfly came down to the ground by a waterfall deep inside the Netravali reserve and posed beautifully. I couldn't have wished for a fresher example! Highly memorable.

Common Sailer
Neptis hylas
17th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
Another very numerous species in the vicinity of our hotel base, we saw dozens and dozens of Common Sailers every day. They have a charming flight, gliding effortlessly and stopping frequently to sun themselves and pose for the camera.
17th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
Another very numerous species in the vicinity of our hotel base, we saw dozens and dozens of Common Sailers every day. They have a charming flight, gliding effortlessly and stopping frequently to sun themselves and pose for the camera.

Crimson Rose
Pachliopta hector
17th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
This is a very difficult butterfly to photograph, and this is about as good a shot as I could manage. Their wings are constantly in motion as they flutter and hover at nectar. Large and superb and not uncommon where we were based.
17th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
This is a very difficult butterfly to photograph, and this is about as good a shot as I could manage. Their wings are constantly in motion as they flutter and hover at nectar. Large and superb and not uncommon where we were based.

Common Pierrot
Castalius rosimon
12th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
The Common Pierrot was yet another abundant species in the area surrounding our hotel. Found in shorter vegetation along road edges, forest edges and even alongside the beach. A small but gorgeously marked little insect, I never got bored of photographing these beauties!
12th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
The Common Pierrot was yet another abundant species in the area surrounding our hotel. Found in shorter vegetation along road edges, forest edges and even alongside the beach. A small but gorgeously marked little insect, I never got bored of photographing these beauties!

Common Pierrot
Castalius rosimon
11th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
See previous photograph for commentary.
11th November 2024. Tamborim. Goa.
See previous photograph for commentary.

Common Nawab
Polyura athamas
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
The cool setting of a waterfall deep in the jungle was a big attractor for some stunning butterflies, including this remarkably patterned and coloured Common Nawab. The tails, the contrasting colours, the freshness of the individual all combine to make this one of my favourite photo's from the whole holiday. Simply stunning!
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
The cool setting of a waterfall deep in the jungle was a big attractor for some stunning butterflies, including this remarkably patterned and coloured Common Nawab. The tails, the contrasting colours, the freshness of the individual all combine to make this one of my favourite photo's from the whole holiday. Simply stunning!

Common Map
Cyrestis thyodamas
22nd November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
Yet another species that was attracted to moisture, down by a stream in a damp jungle clearing, the Common Map has a very distinctive and unique pattern.
22nd November 2024. Tambdi Surla. Goa.
Yet another species that was attracted to moisture, down by a stream in a damp jungle clearing, the Common Map has a very distinctive and unique pattern.

Common Jezebel
Delias eucharis
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
Nothing can prepare you for the sheer vividness of the Common Jezebel. Like an explosion in a paint factory, it has to be seen to be believed! This is a sizeable creature, fond of nectaring, and very active. We saw it at several locations over the fortnight, including local to our hotel. Very difficult not to point a camera at one when it appears!
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
Nothing can prepare you for the sheer vividness of the Common Jezebel. Like an explosion in a paint factory, it has to be seen to be believed! This is a sizeable creature, fond of nectaring, and very active. We saw it at several locations over the fortnight, including local to our hotel. Very difficult not to point a camera at one when it appears!

Common Jezebel
Delias eucharis
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
See previous photograph for commentary.
13th November 2024. Ponda. Goa.
See previous photograph for commentary.

Common Imperial
Cheritra freja
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
I am indebted to Parag, our tour guide for a day, for spotting this long-tailed beast up in a tree top. This is a heavily cropped long-zoom shot, the best I could manage from down on the ground.
14th November 2024. Netravali. Goa.
I am indebted to Parag, our tour guide for a day, for spotting this long-tailed beast up in a tree top. This is a heavily cropped long-zoom shot, the best I could manage from down on the ground.
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